Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The excitement mounts...

I'm really, really pumped right now. The 11th episode of Toradora! is airing in two days time (Ok, technically one more day...) on Okto! I'll admit it, I'm a complete dumbass when it comes to anime, but believe me when I say this. Toradora! is THE anime you should be watching this month. Screw that, its the anime you should be watching for the rest of next year too if they create a second season (which i pray fervently the good people at J.C. Staff do). Refer to my 3rd post if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Every night i wake up at 4am and ask, "Why am I so crazy over this show? I must be losing my damned mind", and go back to sleep.

For this post, please end your reading right here if you cannot relate to emotions.

Anime, especially the really good ones, have the ability to make you wish you were in their world. They are what some people may call, a "second life" for the truly obsessed.

Toradora! is the first anime series I've watched in more than 5 years, and I can't believe how engrossing it is. I mean, I almost wish i was in the shoes of one of the characters.

I discussed this anime-watching symptom with my Mom, and she was asking me, "Why would you want to do that? These characters probably have a life worse off than you." Makes sense, doesn't it?

Taiga Aisaka is emotionally troubled and intolerant of others, VERY short in stature, and left alone to fend for herself by her parents, although she is the cutest thing you've ever seen. Would you like to live her life?

Ryƫji Takasu is a nice guy, but is not well off financially, scares people off with his eyes, is father-less, and has to contend with Tiaga tormenting him everyday. Unappealing, eh?

But this kind of thinking can be described with one word: "dense". Just because these people don't lead the perfect life, it doesn't mean they do not have emotions, or feelings. The manga and the anime convey these feelings out in their own way; in a way that we can understand, appreciate and maybe wish WE could also convey them.

Toradora! is beautiful in its own way, and i cannot describe it in words. The characters have some sort of substance in their personality which makes you want to BE one of them, or at least spectate their adventures within their magical world. You might be able to understand what I'm going on about here, but you most likely won't until you've actually watched "Toradora!".

Do you recognize the warm, fuzzy feeling you get when witnessing something special, or meaningful to you? Even though i don't know much of them, I can safely say many animes will give you those special fuzzies, sub-consciously or otherwise.

I mean this for every single anime out there. But Toradora! has simply given me a wish to relive its characters, and a wish to share with you this amazingly crazy rant I've posted. =)

Maybe you think I'm just in love with this anime. You might be right.


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