Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sorry for the lack of updates

Been busy with a few things lately, namely:

1) Starting on preliminary planning for a second story. This time, it's a "light novel", a novel for teenagers and young adults. I was heavily inspired by the light novel and anime adaptation of "Toradora!", and it's ability to portray the mixed emotions of teenagers in a sincere and refreshing way. Originality is a problem, and I need to change my story so it will not be complete copypasta from the source material. Rest assured, work on my original post-apocalyptic story would not be on hiatus. Effort will be divided equally between the two.

2) Trying out Audiosurf. This little baby has probably taken up a quarter of the time I spend on the computer. Find it and buy it, you're spending only $15 or so for a hell load of fun.

3) Sorting out my life. It's been four years since I stepped into TKSS (the school I recently graduated from), and now, I step out from it, with a brain juiced up with knowlege, but without direction. I don't want to be sitting in front of a desk with paperwork piled up in front of me 20 years down the road and asking myself, "Is this really what I wanted to do?" Sure, it's nice to have an iron rice bowl, but I also want to enjoy what I do, not just working for the sake of working. So, I spend quite some time actually sitting down and brainstorming at what i'm good at and what I like to do. Trust me, the two don't always intersect.

Will try to get some REAL content out soon. Wish me luck.

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